Write a one-page (or more) paper summarizing your analysis of the three web sites you found and how they “rate” according to the above listed criteria.

Find three different web sites pertaining to some aspect of the middle adult period of development (e.g., search the Internet using keywords such as: obesity, glaucoma, menopause, midlife crisis, grand parenting, burnout, etc.). Ensure that the web sites you select are somehow and in some way pertaining to the age group: 35 through 65 year old.

Evaluate the three web sites you find according to the following criteria:

Accuracy of the information (e.g., point of view, the intended audience, evidence of bias, defines the source of the information – it should be clearly stated)

Comprehensiveness (e.g., Depth of information: determine if content covers a specific time period or aspect of the topic, or strives to be comprehensive)

Currency />(e.g., has the site been updated recently? How current is the information?)

Style and Function (e.g., is the site laid out clearly and logically with well-organized subsections? is the writing style appropriate for the intended audience? is the site easy to navigate?)

Write a one-page (or more) paper summarizing your analysis of the three web sites you found and how they “rate” according to the above listed criteria. Include the URL’s for the three web sites so that your instructor may visit those sites to better understand what you are analyzing.

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