When considering the contributions of Segovia and Bream, what were some major differences and similarities between these two guitarists?

Answer the following questions in paragraph form (a paragraph is usually five to six complete sentences; break long answers into smaller paragraphs). Cite any and all sources at the bottom of your assignment.


1) When considering the contributions of Segovia and Bream, what were some major differences and similarities between these two guitarists?


2) How did the recording industry change the guitarist/composer (and classical musicians/composers in general) in the 20th century?


3) What kinds of construction techniques did Gibson and Martin employ for the guitar? In what way did this physically impact the guitar?


4) The need for louder guitars drove the innovation that led to the electric guitar. List three different guitars on that evolutionary line and note the differences between them along with who their inventors were.’


5) Jimi Hendrix is considered a pivotal electric guitarist. Why? (You should be listing the revolutionary techniques he used along with his approach to playing the guitar.)

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