What would you say in this letter to be sent out to your managers and employees?

Your manager asks you to draft a letter regarding shift bid base off seniority.  Here are the details he wants regarding shift bid.


Group One: Field Support Team & Email Team put together

2 people can take vacation in A.M. and 2 people off in PM

Group two:  Offline (include QA, Returns, BATS Team, and Leads)

2 people can take vacation in A.M. and 2 people off in PM

Group three:  VP Support includes Addison and Irvine centers

2 people can take vacation in A.M. and 2 people off in PM

Perm Saturday’s :  1 agent Off

On month which is open until midnight and Month open which working 10 hours

It will be one person per bucket for total of 3 agents off for vacation. 

What would you say in this letter to be sent out to your managers and employees.

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