What resources do you plan to use after the course to continue learning about and practicing C++?

     Write a 70- to 100-word short-answer response for the following: 7 discussions

  1. Supporting Activity: Templates

How could you have used templates for your final project? What are some possible benefits and drawbacks?

  1. Supporting Activity: STL Templates

How could you have used the STL templates for your final project? What are some possible benefits and drawbacks?

  1. Supporting Activity: Dead Language

Imagine a friend tells you that C++ is a dead computer language. Would you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

  1. Supporting Activity: C++ Skills

What resources do you plan to use after the course to continue learning about and practicing C++? How will you improve your C++ skills? What C++ projects might benefit you, your workplace, or a volunteer organization?

  1. How inheritance fits into object-oriented programming
  2. How you use the protected keyword


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