Boggs, J. M. & Petric, D. W. (2008). The art of watching films. (7th ed). New York: McGraw- Hill. ISBN: 0073535079. Irving, J. (2000). My movie business. New York: Random House. ISBN: 0345441303.
To assess your ability to:
discuss the effect of editing a film
critique the sound effects in a film
Action Items
1- Choose one question from the list of Analyzing Editing on p. 216 in The Art of Watching Films.
2- Choose one question from the list of Analyzing Sound Effects and Dialogue on p. 285 in The Art of Watching Films.
3- Write your responses in a minimum two page Word document.
Plz make sure to answer this two question in general of film and you can use the movie ( Flight 2012 ) as a example.
Starring: Denzel Washington,
Directors: Robert Zemeckis
a- What is the effect of additional cutting and transitions on the pace of the film as a whole?
b- What sound effects in particular contribute to a sense of reality and feeling of being there?
Requested Writer’s ID: U3684
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