What have you learned from your professional interactions as you either put into practice or observed others practice in administration or leadership?

Your goal in this part of the assignment is to document your learning through your professional experiences, directly or indirectly, as they connect to ECEC.

Submit a “Reflective Portfolio” paper, which is a collection of your most important “Ah ha” moments and charts a path for improving your practice in ECEC Administration and Leadership. Essentially, you will write a 750-1000 word paper (or equivalent in an alternate submission format) that focuses on your experiences and learning in each of the four big ideas covered in this course:

Questions to guide your writing include:

  • How has your participation in the community/ in the workplace, or in this course, helped your understanding of child care administration issues in each of the Big Ideas? Give specific examples.
  • What have you learned from your professional interactions as you either put into practice or observed others practice in administration or leadership?
  • What is the importance of professional networking and ongoing professional development?
  • Consider your strengths, interests and areas to improve. What emerging goals/strategies will you set for your future development in this field?

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