What extent does Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade exhibit the characteristics of a medieval romance?

2 pages double space
Heading with Sonja Beauchamp, HUMA 1301.501, and date.
Page numbers either at the top or at the bottom of each page.
Argument with a clear thesis statement
you will consider how the film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade fits within the Arthurian tradition, if it does at all. In your response paper, address the following question:

To what extent does Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade exhibit the characteristics of a medieval romance? Explain your answer, citing examples from the film.

If you decide to cite other sources, be sure to include a Works Cited page. Otherwise, you will cite the film as follows:

 (Last Crusade, 1989).

If you cite only the film, you do not have to include a Works Cited page.

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