What does this imply in terms of the project procurement process you are studying?

1700 -2000 words.

Executive summary.

  1. Define the procurement and contracting process and the context (business unit) in which it operates.
  2. What is the strategy/market of the business unit?
  3. What does this imply in terms of the project procurement process you are studying? What must this process be able to do particularly well in terms of cost, time, quality and flexibility? The headings mentioned here are broad. You are expected to identify specific dimensions along which the process is expected to do particularly well.
  4. Describe the current process structure.
  5. Discuss the procurement capabilities, given the current structure, in terms of the specific dimensions identified by you in item #4 above.
  6. Discuss existing problems and weaknesses in the current procurement and contracting process. What additional capabilities does the process need to develop?
  7. How should the contracting and procurement process be restructured to develop these capabilities? Discuss why the changes suggested by you will have the desired effect along the key dimensions identified by you.
  8. Discuss how the suggested changes should be implemented with a time line. Explain any resistance you may face in implementing the changes.


Please note that these are general guidelines only. The Professor is not looking for a project report with eight points in the sequence listed above. The Professor listed the points that he feels are important in most reports. Please feel free to add to or alter the above list as best fits your project.


The databases within the library system are a great place to start to find scholarly information about organizations and their contract and procurement practices. But in this case, rely upon whatever sources will provide you access to information about the procurement process application and success.

Please do not restrict yourself to the above list. It is meant simply as a starting point. In each report the Professor expects, at a minimum, the following:

  1. A description of the procurement process practice including its key elements.
  2. Major benefits of the practice.
  3. Major risks/cost of the practice.
  4. Key issues in designing and implementing the practice.
  5. Which companies is this practice ideally suited for? Which companies may it not be suitable for?
  6. Examples of companies that are successfully using the practice including best practices.
  7. Examples of companies that have been unsuccessful in their implementation of the practice and possible reasons.


Once again, please do not feel bound by the above structure, you can modify and add items you feel are important to your study. The above list is simply meant to help you get started.

Develop your research plan around the following report/profile sections that should be included in your report:

  • Company introduction – 15%
  • Size, location(s), products and/or services
  • Overall company quality strategy and objectives – 20%
  • Application of procurement process methodologies – 40%
  • How formal is its program?
  • To whom within the organization structure does the highest level quality related manager report?
  • Success of the application of procurement process – 20%
  • Strive for real metrics (if you receive general information only, analyze and extrapolate your opinion based on information gathered).
  • Conclusion – 5%

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