Submit your 6-page term paper analyzing the topic you’ve chosen and been developing throughout the class. Your paper must be in APA style
- Page 1 – Title Page
- Page 2-5 – Body (minimum four pages, must include an introduction and conclusion)
- Page 6 – References
Your paper must be a minimum of 4 pages of content about your thesis. I encourage you to use images if you want to, but they do not count towards the minimum 4 pages of text – in other words, you will need to have 4 pages of written content without the images.
Your paper should include the following:
- A title page;
- A discussion of your chosen thesis;
- Art works by your selected artist as they relate to your thesis;
- A References page listing no less than four (4) sources cited in the paper.
Your paper must be written to the thesis proposed in Week 3. Refer to the outline and feedback I provided in Week 4 to help you get started. In analyzing the works of a given artist, remember that your interpretation is not what is being graded: it the support of your interpretation. Do not worry that you are not a renowned art critic – you are writing about what you believe the artist has conveyed based on what you know and have discovered from the writings of others to be true of the artist. Your interpretation is the key. Consider the impact of an artist’s choice (or lack) of color or form, and how that relates to your thesis. Consider if a painting conveys weight, if a sculpture conveys mood, if a performance evokes social consciousness, or if a structure mimics motion. What does the work make you think and feel? This is the basis for your analysis.
Your work must be original. Give yourself twice as much time as you think you need for research and writing. Use quotation marks and in-text citations for all information that is not general knowledge, including information that you paraphrase. You must adhere to the class and school Plagiarism policy.
Instructions: Enter or paste your written work and/or click “Attach
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