Choose a brand that’s marketed only in one region of the U.S. Imagine that this brand wants to expand its market and in a well written paper address the following questions. Support your assessment with specific details and outside resources.
•Would this brand be likely to receive immediate acceptance if it is marketed in another region of the U.S.?
•What cultural differences might the company encounter in this new region of the U.S.?
•What changes might need to be made to the brand to support its acceptance in this new market?
•What cultural differences might the company encounter if it expanded its brand into a global market?
•What changes might need to be made to the brand if it were marketed in a global market?
•How might the changes for a U.S. regional market compare to the changes for a global market?
•If you are the strongest brand, why can’t you simply say there will be no differentiations among markets?
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
•Be 3-4 pages in length
•Cite a minimum of two creditable sources
•Be formatted according to APA Requirements
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