What changes do you anticipate in the UAE employment system in the future? Why?

BUS -301-801: Human Resource Management
Fall 2013
E Portfolio Assignment

The purpose of this exercise is to give you an opportunity to move out into the world of practice and interview a person (or group of persons) involved with the Human Resource Management matters in the UAE. Much can be learned by studying a subject in a class setting. Additional learning is achievable also by interacting with a practitioner in a real business setting.

Identify a person whose job involves considerable dealings with managing people in the organizations of the UAE. This could be a public (government) or private institution. Ask the HR official or manager the following:

 What is your official title?
 What are the major things that you do in your job that deal with managing people in your organization?
 What training and experience must a person have in order to be eligible to perform your job effectively?
 Over the last couple of years what’s been the most interesting two HR situations that you have encountered in your job? Why were these situations special to you? What lessons did employees involved in each situation learn?
 What type of advice can you offer to people living in the UAE about the importance of HRM for the citizens and companies obeying UAE employment law.
 In your opinion, what’s the biggest misconception or misunderstanding people have about the employment system of the UAE?
 What changes do you anticipate in the UAE employment system in the future? Why?
 If a student were interested in performing the kind of work that you do, what career advice can you offer to such a person at this time?

You are encouraged to think about additional unique questions that apply to the specific type of work that your interviewee does, and ask them in addition to the ones above.
“So what should my paper look like and what should I write after having conducted the above interview?” Here’s an outline that you can use:

A Title Page

Name, Student Number, Class Name, Class Session Time, Date

Section I — Acknowledgements Page

A brief summary of the date, time, and location where the interview or conversations took place. Be sure to name and thank your interviewee as well as any other persons who were involved in helping you (or your group) setup or conduct this interview.

Section II — The Interview(s)

An overall summary of your conversation with the interviewee. It can be as simple as noting the exact answers given to the questions noted in the previous page.

Section III — Reflective Summary

Include here (1) your overall impressions, thoughts, and opinions that you had of the job and the person who you interviewed.

(2) In a second summary area also detail what you learned by completing this project. Please make sure in this second part that you discuss “how” what you learned or heard in your conversations relates to our class text and discussions. If possible, try to link sections of the book to comments stated in your summaries

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