1.Consider that a management and tracking system developed for marathon runners is going into production tomorrow. The runners will begin using the site in the morning to sign up and track their entries into multiple races. Data was entered for racers that had signed up prior to the system going live. There is a race in four weeks, which allows friends to login and track where the runner is on the course. The season ends in six months and full reports are provided to each runner with their statistics.
In your initial response, provide examples of post implementation items you will need to manage and support in the first five days, the first four weeks, and the first six months for the marathon runner management and tracking system.
2.”Rachel’s Day off swimwear
Rachel’s Day Off Swimwear is a successful chain of high end swimsuit boutiques. In the last six months, the firm added several new lines and opened a dozen new stores. The downside is that the company has outgrown its accounting software. The original accounting system was a package from Peachtree Soft- ware, which ran on a stand-alone PC and later on a network. Now, the firm is ready to install a new ac- counting package that can support current and future operations. You have been asked to implement the new system, which is called Sage 50.
1. Who should receive training on the new software, and what topics should the training cover? 2. Go online and investigate the Sage 50 product to learn whether it can import and upload
existing data. 3. What changeover strategy would you suggest for the new accounting system? Explain your answer. 4. When should a post-implementation evaluation be conducted? Explain your answer.”
(Rosenblatt 494)
Rosenblatt. Systems Analysis and Design, 10th Edition. Cengage Learning, 2014. VitalBook file.
The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy before use.
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