What are the implications of the technology with regard to citizens’ rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution?


  • ch paper of 750–1,000 words:
    • Describe and summarize your selected detection, inspection, or surveillance technology that could be used to increase law enforcement agency capabilities.
      • How exactly will the technology be able to improve the ability of an agency to prevent or mitigate catastrophic events? Explain.
      • Consider the following when evaluating the technology:
        • Monetary costs
        • Benefits to civilian populations
        • Consequences of not implementing the technology
    • Next, select and briefly summarize 2–3 different detection, inspection, or surveillance technologies that are currently being used to ensure the security of the United States.
    • Address the following questions for each of the selected technologies:
      • How expensive and complex is the technology? Explain.
      • What are the implications of the technology with regard to citizens’ rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution? Explain.
      • What unethical activities could the use of this technology facilitate? Explain.
      • How can human error play a role in the use of this technology? Explain.
  • Compile your responses into the final research paper, and submit the file to your instructor.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.


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