What are the port vulnerabilities associated with Access Controls.
2. What are Restricted Area Access (RAA) Controls and Vehicle and Pedestrian screening with regard to physical security concerns in the port facility?
3. What are (describe) the following?
a) The SMART Port Security Legislation.
b) The SAFE Port Act.
c) The Small Vessel Security Strategy
- What is (describe) the framework for managing and leading a security force?
2. What is meant by maintaining force competencies in port security?
3. What are security Force operations and patrols?
4. How is security planning coordinated between the port facility and vessel operations?
5. According to this week’s readings, what aspects of cargo operations do you believe are critical in establishing a secure facility?
- What are (describe) the CSI and C-TPAT initiatives and how are they relevant to port operations security?
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