In your assignments throughout this course, you will build an operations improvement plan (OIP) based on the real-world example of the Toyota Motor Corporation’s recent product failure crisis. For this discussion, complete the following:
- Using the research you have conducted on the Toyota accelerator crisis and this unit’s readings, address the following questions:
- Based on strategic, structural, and cultural challenges, consider the causes of Toyota’s accelerator recall crisis. Why is Toyota facing this crisis?
- How are Toyota’s management, employees, and external stakeholders able to support their corporate brand?
- Has Toyota effectively adhered to ethics and managed public relations in the United States? Who should be accountable for this activity? Has the company lost sight of its long-term philosophy, a key principle behind “the Toyota Way”?
- How could Toyota’s crisis management be improved?
- What are several dimensions of quality that were not properly addressed by Toyota, prior to this crisis?
- Using Deming’s 1987 article, “Transformation of Today’s Management,” address the following:
- Explain how you think some or all the principles proposed in his 14 Points for Management apply to the candidate processes you identified for your assignment in this unit. Explain why.
- What additional information would you need to better understand the process?
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