Your assignment is to argue/debate any essay in your textbook. You are debating the claims of the essay, offering a counter-argument. Make sure it’s something you really disagree with, so you can write a nice juicy essay. All topics must be approved by me by ___. -first, you must argue using facts and research. Just because you are using the essay, doesn’t mean you get out of supporting your opinions. Stating that the writer is an idiot and therefore wrong, is not arguing. -second, you must use evidence to support your assertions (SPECIFIC QUOTES from outside sources) -make sure you are debating the claims of the essay, not just offering your opinion on the topic. -types of evidence: statistics, examples, authorities, and textual evidence. (Keep in mind: Ideas not beliefs). -make sure you have a clearly defined thesis Essay Requirements -5-7 pages in length. -12 pt. font, either Times New Roman or Arial, with 1 inch margins -double spaced – Up to 4 sources ONLY , 1 online from a database, 1 book, the other 2 can be from sources of your choosing. – a works cited page and in-text quotations and citations in MLA format. The essay you are counter arguing is the right here: Nutrition activists are agitating for a panoply of initiatives that would bring the government between you and your waistline. President Bush earmarked $125 million in his budget for the encouragement of healthy lifestyles. State legislatures and school boards have begun banning snacks and soda from school campuses and vending machines. Several state legislators and Oakland, California, Mayor Jerry Brown, among others, have called for a “fat tax†on high-calories foods. Congress is considering menu-labeling legislation that would force chain restaurants to list, fat, sodium, and calories for each item. |
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