Identify the phenomena you wish to concentrate on within the broad realm of health and human services.

The Final Paper will be the final assignment for this research course. This paper will be due on the last day of class in Week 5. Your written assignment for this week is to do the following:
•Identify the phenomena you wish to concentrate on within the broad realm of health and human services. Your references (should be a minimum of eight), will come from the databases and reference sources you covered earlier throughout course assignments. You will need to create a description of the phenomena – the core issue or objective upon which you will focus.
•Identify the components, attributes, and different segments you will write about in your discussion.
•Create a detailed outline of your research report/paper.

This research report outline should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length. For assistance with writing your outline, visit the Ashford Writing Center and the Ashford University Library.

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