How you find his works changed (or added to) art history, theory, and our understanding of painting).

on Literati art (Which i will attach in adobe file) and write a paper on or about the following artists:

Su Dongpo
Mi Fu
Ni Zan
Huang Gongwang
Qian Xuan
Wang Meng
Zhao Mengfu
Shen Zhou
Wen Zhengming
Dong Qichang

You will need to use one of the following as the focus (of course, you first should find your own focus). Please use at least one of the works by the artist to demonstrate your argument:

1) How important is the concept of individuality played in his work

2) How you find his works changed (or added to) art history, theory, and our understanding of painting).

3) discuss how this artist used his work to critique and to respond to the society he lived.

4) How this artist used certain image, symbol or political view responded to works from previous time?

So, please choose one of the painter above, and be sure to include all those arguments given (1-4) AND important to find your OWN focus. also using one of the painting work
like said above

and based on the painter you choose please include title.
Thank you.:)

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