Week 1 Hand-in Assignment
For this assignment you will need to read the following article:
J.M.M. & Ordà C.J.V. (2005)‹Å“Organizational learning as a determining factor in business performanceThe Learning Organization, 12 (3), pp. 227-245, Emerald [Online]. DOI: 10.1108/09696470510592494 (Accessed: 11 December 2009).
After you have read the article, complete the following:
Present a written analysis of the evidence offered in the journal article to support the view that organizational learning contributes positively both to innovation and competitiveness and to economic/financial results. Assess how organizational learning causes increased organizational performance. How successful is the article in demonstrating the relationship between organizational learning and business performance? Do you agree with this view? Explain your answer with practical examples, where possible. You are especially encouraged to include references which you may find in current contemporary media sources in support of your analysis
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