Silver Lama Project Computer Exercise:
I have worked on part 4, 5 and 6 and need someone to verify if its correct. In addition, I would prefer the same writer who worked on order number 2011791.
This exercise deals with using software to create a preliminary schedule of the project based on the information provided in Part 1 on pages 545 and 546 of the Project Management textbook by Gray & Larson. The learner should use Microsoft Office Project Professional version 2003 or other Project Management software to solve the Lama Silver Computer exercise problems. Please note that a free 120 Day Trial version of Microsoft Office Project Professional is provided with a new Project Management textbook by Gray & Larson.
You are a member of a project team assigned to develop the new razor scooter code name “ Silver Zuma†Table A.21 contains the information necessary to create a project schedule. For the purpose of this case assume the following:
1. The project begins January 1, 2006.
2. The following holidays are observed: January 1 (last day in May), July 4th, Labor Day (First Monday in September), Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November, December 25 and 26.
3. If a holiday falls on a Saturday then Friday will be given as an extra day off, and if it falls on a Sunday, then Monday will be given as a day off.
4. The project team works eight-hours days, Monday through Friday.
Analyze Part 4, 5, and 6 of the Silver Rama Computer Exercise by answering the following questions and completing the following exercises using Project Management software.
Silver Rama Project Computer Exercise Part 4:
Robin Lane and top management have approved the schedule generated at the end of Part 3. Save the file containing this schedule as a baseline schedule.
Prepare a memo that addresses the following questions.
1. How much is the project estimated to cost?
2. What activity is estimated to cost the most to complete?
3. What resource commands the greatest total cost?
4. What likely costs are not contained in this budget?
Include a table containing the estimated costs for each activity and a cash flow schedule for each month of the project. Note: Learners will need to customize the cash flow schedule since the default is by week. Choose the custom option with the Report menu and then select cash flow option to change the time frame.
Silver Zama Project Computer Exercise Part 5:
Analyze Part 5 of the Silver Zama Computer Exercise by answering the following questions and completing the following exercises using Project Management software.
Read the information provided at the beginning of part 5 on page 548 of the Project Management textbook by Gray & Larson.
Robin Lane has requested a written status report for the Zuma project.
1. Your status report should include a table containing the PC, EV, AC, BAC, EAC, SV, CV, and CPI for each activity and the whole project. The report should also address the following questions:
How is the project progressing in terms of cost and schedule?
What activities have gone well? What activities have not gone well?
What do the PCI-B and PCI-C indicate in terms of how much of the project has been accomplished to date?
What is the forecasted cost at completion (FAC)? What is the predicted VAC?
Report and interpret the TCIP for the project at this point in time.
What is the estimated date of completion?
Present the above information in a form worthy of consideration by top management.
Hint: Learners should use 7/27/06 as the status date even though they are theoretically preparing this report on the 28th since recorded progress is up to the 27th.
Based on experience the learner may have to insert the 7/27/06 date as the current date under the Project menu each time the file is opened.
2. While preparing your report you receive a phone call from Jim Keltner a fellow project manager. He is calling to make sure that one of the industrial engineers you are sharing with him will be available to work on his project from August 10-15, 2006.
What would you tell him?
Silver Zuma Project Computer Exercise Part 6:
This exercise deals with using software to create a schedule of the project based on the information provided in Part 6 on pages 545 to 549 of the Project Management textbook by Gray & Larson. The learner should use Microsoft Office Project Professional version 2003 or other Project Management software to solve the Zuma Silver Computer exercise problems. Please note that a free 120 Day Trial version of Microsoft Office Project Professional is provided with a new Project Management textbook by Gray & Larson.
Analyze Part 6 of the Silver Zuma Computer Exercise by answering the following questions and completing the following exercises using Project Management software.
Robin Lane has asked you to update completion and cost estimates for the Zuma project. Table A2.5 on page 549 presents the revised estimates generated by the Zuma project team.
Based on this new information prepare a memo that answers the following questions.
1. When will the project be completed? How does this compare with the baseline completion date?
2. What is the new estimated cost at completion (EAC)? What is the new VAC? How does this compare with VAC based on the FAC generated in part 5? Which of the two VACs would you have the greatest confidence in and why?
3. How do you think Robin will react given the priorities for this project?
Include a Tracking Gantt with a cost table for the estimated completion schedule

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