Please read the attached file for detailed requirements for this assignment. You are required to visit ONE of the two locations listed and write about it according to the given prompt: “Working with one of the medieval-esque Los Angeleno structures identified below, analyze and
evaluate the building’s evocation medieval forms through its architectural design and decoration, and consider the effects of these choices for modern audiences. How and to what ends have medieval forms and ideas been appropriated in these modern institutional structures?” The paper needs to have a clear thesis and argument and supporting materials to back up the argument. I have also attached the article mentioned in the instructions and pages of the textbook. Please write according to the prompt and devote most of the paper to analysis instead of mere descriptions of the observations. Please let me know if a writer would be able to write my paper. He either needs to be able to visit the location or be very familiar with the topic. I really do need a good grade on this one and please let me know honestly if no writer is able to d |
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