Further / next, pinpoint just customer(s) from Leipzig showing their customer name(s) and address?

open a Notepad session and save all 5 answers numbered 1-5. Please paste your query for that number in and then copy the whole answer if it is short or the first few rows and the count if it’s long.



This is a good example of what an ad hoc query does.



German Pharmaceuticals LLC has reason to be concerned that there may be product in the marketplace that could have serious consequences if ingested so they need to know purchase history for some of their customers. You are the junior DBA so you get to create the ad hoc query needed to see if the company needs to reach out to some of their customers. The folks in production indicate that if there has been exposure Leipzig would be the best bet. So, let’s save some lives using only our cloud based SQL compliant database and our “can do”, “roll up our sleeves” etc, etc.




1) Retrieve the name and city for all German customers? (5pts)





2) Further / next, pinpoint just customer(s) from Leipzig showing their customer name(s) and address?





3) List the Customer name(s) order date(s) for the individual(s) identified above?







4) Show the Customer name(s), OrderID (from the Orders table) and Order Details key column for the previous query?




5) Show the CustomerName, ContactName, Address, City, PostalCode, Country, ProductName (and let’s just hope he hasn’t eaten any of the Rössle …)

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