mer service in a Lebanese restaurant
Unit Title:
Unit number
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Guided learning hours: Unit expiry date:
Unit purpose and aim
Communicate effectively with customers
33 31/12/2014
To provide good customer service the learner needs to understand what customers want and how they feel. This means that they need to share information with them and listen carefully to them. Customers need to understand what the learner is telling them and what they are able to do for them. Communication is an essential skill for delivering good customer service.
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Criteria
Knowledge, understanding and skills
The Learner will:
1 Communicate effectively with customers
The Learner can:
1.1 Listen actively to what customers are saying
1.2 Identify the most important things that customers are telling
1.3 Respond appropriately to
what customers are
telling them
1.4 Check that they
understand what customers are telling them and make sure it is really what they mean
1.5 Summarise information for customers
1.6 Explain in a way that is clear and does not cause offence when they cannot help a customer
1.7 Use appropriate body language when
communicating with customers
Candidates must have an understanding of:
How to listen to customers and identify the key points they are saying
How to check that they have understood what they have been told
Respond appropriately to customers providing clear explanations
How to ensure that they do not cause offence
Appropriate use of body language and how to read the body language of others
The importance of passing messages to colleagues
The importance of being polite and respectful to customers
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Criteria
Knowledge, understanding and skills
1.8 Read customers’ body language to help them understand their feelings and wishes
1.9 Deal with customers in a respectful, helpful and professional way at all
1.10 Help to give good
customer service by passing messages to colleagues
2 Understand how to communicate effectively with customers
2.1 Identify the difference between hearing and
2.2 Explain how to listen
2.3 Describe how to read
both positive and
negative body language
2.4 Explain how to use body
language effectively
2.5 State how to use
questions to check that they understand what customers are telling them
2.6 Identify the difference between negative and
positive language
2.7 Explain how to
2.8 Explain why it is
important to speak clearly
2.9 Explain why it is
important to use words that the customer will understand
2.10 Describe how to communicate with
customers who have language, dialect or accents that are different from theirs
2.11 Explain why the way things are said, and the tone of voice, affects the way a customer experiences customer service
Candidates must have an understanding of:
The difference between hearing and listening
How to actively listen
How to read positive and
negative body language
Types of questioning techniques to confirm understanding
The difference between negative and positive language
How to summarise information
The importance of speaking clearly and use words that customers understand
How to communicate with customers of different types and ethnicity
The effect the tone of their voice and things they say have on customer experiences
The types of information important to pass on to colleagues
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Criteria
Knowledge, understanding and skills
2.12 Identify what information is helpful to pass on in messages to colleagues so that customers receive good service
This qualification is internally assessed by centre staff and externally verified by OCR Assessors.
Evidence requirements
1. Wherever possible your evidence should be based on a real job, whether paid or voluntary, and when dealing with real customers, whether internal or external to the organisation. However, for this Unit, evidence based on a realistic working environment or a work placement is permissible. Simulation is not allowed for any evidence within this Unit. (Guidelines for a Realistic Working Environment can be found in the OCR Customer Service Centre Handbook which can be downloaded from the OCR website:
2. You may collect the evidence for the Unit through work in a private sector organisation, a not-for-profit organisation or a public services organisation.
3. You must provide evidence that shows you have done this over a sufficient period of time with different customers on different occasions for your assessor to be confident that you are competent.
4. Your communication with customers may be face to face, in writing, by telephone, text message, email, internet (including social networking), intranet or by any other method you would be expected to use within your job role.
5. You need to include evidence that you have communicated effectively with customers:
a during routine delivery of customer service
b during a busy time in your job
c during a quiet time in your job.
6. You need to include evidence that you have communicated effectively with different customers who:
a have an easy going attitude
b have a difficult attitude
c are easy to understand
d are difficult to understand
7. The messages you pass on to colleagues may be verbal, in writing or passed on by any other method you would be expected to use within your job.
Guidance on assessment and evidence requirements
Please refer to the OCR Customer Service Centre Handbook available from the OCR website
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