Explain when an appeal is available for either the defense or prosecution, and provide a “road map” for a court to reach the U.S. Supreme Court from a trial court.

For this assignment, prepare a 3 1/2 page paper (excluding the APA title and references pages) in which you detail the process after a criminal trial. In your paper, explain what happens with the defendant and the case after an acquittal. Detail the sentencing process after conviction, and evaluate the defendant’s right of allocution. Discuss victims’ rights at sentencing. Explain when an appeal is available for either the defense or prosecution, and provide a “road map” for a court to reach the U.S. Supreme Court from a trial court.



Your paper must


  • Use at least three scholarly sources
  • Document all sources in APA style
  • Include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style

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