Explain the development experience e.g.

You are asked to present a case study focusing on development and change in one country or economy in the Asia Pacific Region within the context of regional and global development.
Presentations should be no more than 15 minutes in length with a further 5 minutes for questions and discussion. The session should be led by the group.
Presentations will be delivered as a group but each group member is also required to make an individual contribution to conclude the presentation.
You will be given an overall group mark; in addition, you will gain an additional +15%/-15% of the mark as an individual for your final contribution. In other words, in a group that receives a mark of 50, your own final grade can be anywhere between 35 and 65. Thus, it is in your interests to ensure the group as a whole performs well, but your final grade will be largely dependent on your own contribution.
• The group will prepare a one page outline of the presentation and submit it through the electronic ‘turn it in’ system before they give the oral presentation.
• The written outline must contain
o The names of the group
o The title
o The central question to which the presentation is providing an answer
o The central argument of the presentation
o The structure of the presentation (i.e. 3 or 4 points which will be expanded in the oral presentation)
o A fully referenced list of sources
• Each member of the group must take part in the oral presentation.
• The presentation will last a maximum of 15 minutes, followed by up to 5 minutes discussion time.
• Please note this is partly an examination of your ability to be succinct, to precis and to summaries and communicate complex ideas in a clear and concise manner. Written presentations longer than one page will therefore be penalized.
• Any power point presentation used must also be submitted via turning before the presentation.

The case study is an opportunity to provide a critical consideration of the challenges of development in the Asia Pacific region.
Case Studies aim to investigate a contemporary phenomenon within its real life context. They allow examination of the complexities involved, revealing what is both unique and universal in understanding, opening up insights and alternative interpretations.
Your aim is to explain the development experience e.g. fast/uneven/slow/crisis-ridden growth; and to explain the problems of development and what policies were adopted to tackle these, successfully or otherwise.
You should look at:
(i) the interaction and/or balance between the internal and external factors in shaping the pattern of modernisation and development in a single country/economy within the region;
(ii) its integration into the regional/global economy and world order.

You should therefore consider the particular features of that country/economy and the way it has been inserted/inserted itself into the regional and global economic system. You may for example look at the following (N.B. This is not an exhaustive list):
the characteristics and role of the state and the policies pursued
the role and relative power of different classes or social groups in development
the role of national identity and ethnic diversity in shaping the development experience
patterns of social and economic change and economic performance
the relation importance of politics and political and socio-economic change to the development experience
the influence of international and other regional factors in relation to social, economic and political change e.g. the role of the US, Japan; the impact of the rise of China

You may find it helpful to identify the different stages of development – in what ways were these different? What were the turning points?
A consideration of theories of development e.g. modernisation theory, dependency theory, Wallerstein’s World System Theory; neoliberalism; theories of the developmental state, may be helpful in evaluating the experience.
You should not regard these as rigid guidelines but should endeavour to structure your discussion as appropriate to the particular case. But you should make clear the relationship between the aspects you use and development and change in your case study.
You should avoid the pitfalls of too much detail and long description of historical background. The aim is to use information in an argument or explanation – you need to be selective, choosing those points that help to develop your line of reasoning, explaining why they are important.
For your individual contribution, you should choose from the following:
• an evaluation of the case study – the strengths and weaknesses of the development experience
• use of theory/theories to evaluate and as a guide to policy recommendations;
• a discussion of key lessons to be learnt from the development experience;
• turning points in the development experience and how problems have been overcome;
• role and relations with the wider region; future prospects and directions

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