Explain six keys for a strong missionary work ethic.

observations York makes about carrying the cross (Mark 10:29-30;Matthew 19:16-30;Luke 18:18-30).
15. Comment on the way York relates mission Dei to each of the following: The Spirit baptism in relation to salvation, The Spirit baptism in Acts, The purpose of the Spirit baptism and The Spirit baptism in relation to speaking tongues.
16. Discuss how each of the following benefits of devotions applies to the believer?s life: A biblical worldview, An anchor, Growth in worship, Intercession, shared vision and Teaching material.
17. Discuss each of the following keys to having devotions: See devotions as loving God, Become an insider, Have a daily schedule, keep a journal and note milestones.
18. Explain six keys for a strong missionary work ethic.
19. Analyze at least six attitudes in the keys to becoming a bicultural missionary. Include language learning as one of these keys.
20. Explain the emphasis on church planting i

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