Explain in your own words the importance of keeping an Incident Response Plan (IRP) up-to-date with changes in a business.


  • Evaluate the reason for the limited use of the root or superuser account in Linux. Determine why you believe, by default, this account is so cautiously guarded in comparison to Windows operating systems. Provide a rationale with your response.
  • From the e-Activity, discuss the tool’s primary uses, strengths and weaknesses, competing products, costs, system requirements, and whether hackers and / or security personnel commonly use the tool. Decide whether or not as a security manager you would consider the use of this tool for your team. Provide a rationale with your response.
  • Explain in your own words the importance of keeping an Incident Response Plan (IRP) up-to-date with changes in a business. Hypothesize what you believe to be the greatest reason for a corporation to not have an updated IRP and explain the potential issues this could create.
  • Imagine you are a chief information security officer (CISO) for a large corporation. Propose communication procedures you would consider utilizing for incident response, such as when to provide communication, and who you believe would be privy to those communications based on the need to know.


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