Length: 3,000 words [+/- 10%] excluding title page and reference list. The essay should be double spaced. In order to ensure that pupil, teacher and school confidentiality are preserved at all times, please omit all names (if necessary, use pseudonyms or initials only) in your account. It is essential that your essay is informed by academic sources. Ensure you adhere to APA Referencing Guidelines in outlining this list and in referencing in the text of your essay. Include a Title page stating – The course title (Philosophical and Historical Understandings of Education II) The essay title Your name and class group Name of lecturers The number of words in your assignment The date you submitted the assignment These are the choice of questions: 1. (a) Outline the work of one critic of education [Plato, Freire, Foucault, Illich or Dewey]. (b) Analyses how this thinker has influenced or will influence your practice. 2. (a) Outline one theory of education [Flourishing, Paideia or Bildung]. (b) Discuss the importance of this theory for your practice as a teacher. 3. (a) On the topic of Critical Thinking, outline the work of one philosophical thinker [Dewey, Bailin, Facione, or Ennis] (b) Discuss the relevance of this work to your practice as a teacher. 4. (a) On the topic of Teacher Identity, outline the work of one philosophical thinker [Sartre, Noddings, Butler] (b) Discuss the relevance of this work to your practice as a teacher. 5. (a) Outline your ethical stance as an educator (Virtue ethics, utilitarian, deontologist, consequentialist) (b) Explain how this ethical stance is connected to your understanding of the nature of education. 6. (a) Critically analyse the ways in which the concept of childhood has developed historically. (b) Discuss the relevance of this work to your practice as a teacher. My first choice of essay would be Question 2: 2. (a) Outline one theory of education [Flourshing, Paideia or Bildung]. (b) Discuss the importance of this theory for your practice as a teacher. I have attached the assessment criteria.
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