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-Criminal Justice-
I need a research paper, with the subject of research being Ted Bondy American serial killer. I have uploaded the instructions (Teacher Instructions.doc) on writing this paper PLEASE FOLLOW THEM. I have also uploaded the theories I have chosen from my class book that you will use to explain his behavior, I named the document uploads by the names of the theorists to clear up any confusion. When you open the Theory uploads just look for same name on the upload. The theories are no more the 3 pages each, so you may need to do extra research. I have chosen SOCIAL theories to explain his behavior, so please stay in line with that method of explanation don’t add any Biological Theories. PLEASE DO A GOOD JOB, if you have any questions please ask, so we can avoid revision. Things outlined in the Teachers Instructions.doc (I uploaded this DOC) -APA Style -5 pages of text plus a Abstract Page. -Research his life history to include his childhood, education, work history, criminal involvement, mental history and overall social adjustment. -use and do further research if need be on the theories I have provided to explain his behavior. If you know a theory that would better explain his behavior that is a SOCIAL THEORY then please feel free to use it. - Larry Cohen and Marcus Felson-Routine Activities theory describes how his victims where weak targets. -I need 3-4 sources, you may use more if you need to. -Please dont use these sources "newspaper, magazine, TV shows, and Wikipedia. CHAPTERS CITE: Criminological Theories: Ray Jeffery-Differential Reinforcement Theory Larry Cohen and Marcus Felson-Routine Activities theory Albert j. Reiss, Jr.-personality-oriented social control theories Terence Thornberry-interactional theory Charles Tittle- control balance theory |

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