Does organizational culture affect the rate of on-time departure in American airline industry?

I need you to make up an interview transcripts. This transcripts is one part of my project of OBHR course. I have a topic of this project which is: [ Does organizational culture affect the rate of on-time departure in American airline industry? The reason why I chose this topic and industry is that in China, the rate of on-time departure is extremely low. However, the rate is extremely high in the U.S. As a result, I wonder if the organizational culture play an important role in this concept. ] Now, I need to interview 2 person related to airline industry in the U.S. The interview has to related to my topic and need to be made up. Also, importantly, I will upload a PDF and please pay attention to page number 11, 14, and 15. In page 14, there are 6 questions, those 6 questions have to be asked to the interviewee.

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