Do you agree, or is deceit sometimes justified?

What, according to William Lutz, (attached) are the essential characteristics of doublespeak? Would you qualify / adjust his definition, add characteristics or delete some that he includes?
Suggested length: 200 – words

At the end of your paper include two questions you would ask to fellow students


The essay “The World of Doublespeak” reminds us of the effects of words and their connotations, and the importance of specific word choice in writing and speaking.

Write a journal entry in which you: Reflect on a time when you or someone else deceived, or were deceived, by language, either intentionally or unintentionally.
– OR –
Describe an incident when deception could occur through written or spoken language. (perhaps in business? in politics? in social situations?)
How could you safeguard your writing and speaking from deceptive language?

Note: Journal entries have no required length, but be sure you have addressed the prompt, that you are specific, and that your entry says something worthwhile. Journal entries are informal writing.

Discussion 2
According to Sissela Bok, (attached) there are many types of deceit, but all of them can be harmful to society. Do you agree, or is deceit sometimes justified? Why or why not?
Suggested length: 200 – words

At the end of your paper include two questions you would as

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