Write an analysis of Philip Zimbabwe’s “Stanford Prison Experiment.

Write an analysis of Philip Zimbabwe’s “Stanford Prison Experiment.” The primary goal of this assignment is for you to develop a critical perspective on Zimbabwe’s essay that utilizes an outside sources to help you develop your argument. A analysis doesn’t need to be a complete take-down of the text at hand, and on the other end of the spectrum, it also need to be full-scale showering of praise on the text. Instead, a good analysis engages specific aspects of the text in order to make a point about what you believe are the important issues in the text. Think of your outside source – as a way to help you articulate and reflect on the big picture – the larger issues and questions surrounding zimbardo’s study (for example, the nature of evil, or the relation between individual identity and role-playing, or the complex nature of authority and obedience, etc.) A good analysis will always address one or several of these larger issues. Use this big picture issues (Which should be addressed by your thesis statement) as an organizational/structural principle for your essay. In other words, every point you make in the body of your paper should connect to develop what you are arguing in your thesis statement about the big picture. Your second source, must play a central role in helping you elaborate argument, and “MUST BE MENTIONED IN YOUR THESIS STATEMENT” * Read the zimbardo’s experiment and second source Disobedience as a psychological and moral problem, and utilize the second source to perfectly analysis Zimbardo’s Experiment *

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