Discuss your evaluation of La Cyne’s strategy for managing demand. Identify and justify recommendations to allow La Cyne to manage demand more effectively.

Read the case study and answer the following questions

 Employees who work in La Cynics accounting department are cross trained to perform other tasks within their department. Members of the conference staff learn front desk check in procedures so they are aware of what happens to guests when they enter the resort. Would La Cyne improve productivity by cross training its other employees, many of whom are seasonal or part time? Should full time employees be cross trained?
 If the resort’s concierge is not available, La Cyne guests can talk to front desk staff to obtain information they might need. What other ways could La Cyne increase customer participation during its busy season? Would these strategies lead to customers to perceive they are receiving a lower standard of service? Justify carefully.

 Analyse the methods La Cyne is currently using to manage supply and demand. Make justified recommendations for ways in which the resort could manage supply more effectively.
 Discuss your evaluation of La Cyne’s strategy for managing demand. Identify and justify recommendations to allow La Cyne to manage demand more effectively.
 In predicting and managing supply and demand, identify how the resort could use records of demand patterns and variations; what are the limitations of such records for forecasting?

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