Discuss two (2) sources of data upon which your personal knowledge of transnational crime is based, such as personal experience, conversations with others, academic courses or books, newspapers or TV news, movies and TV shows, or Internet materials.

“Measuring and Comparing Crime”  Please respond to the following:

  • Discuss two (2) sources of data upon which your personal knowledge of transnational crime is based, such as personal experience, conversations with others, academic courses or books, newspapers or TV news, movies and TV shows, or Internet materials. Debate the degree to which you can trust each source to provide accurate, unbiased data. Support your response with at least one (1) example of transnational crime from each source.
  • You have been appointed head of a United Nations agency tasked with collecting transnational crime statistics. Determine the strategy that you would utilize for collecting, compiling, and disseminating the transnational crime data that you are seeking. Explain two (2) reasons why your strategy wo

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