Discuss the use of art as propaganda in China, Korea, OR Japan. For each example you choose, identify the cause or point of view being presented in the work and discuss how it is presented (be specific).

biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.


Discuss the use of art as propaganda in China, Korea, OR Japan. For each example you choose, identify the cause or point of view being presented in the work and discuss how it is presented (be specific). Consider both patronage and audience. Propaganda, for the purposes of this essay, does not need to imply widespread distribution.


Essay Guidelines


  • Essay must be between 800 and 1100 words long (include word count at the end of your essay)
  • Essay must be typed, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman/Arial, 1 inch margins
  • Your essay must have a thesis – keep this thesis in mind throughout your paper to ensure that your analysis ties in with your thesis
  • Use 3-5 examples of specific works of art, preferably ones that we have discussed in class, to support your points
  • Discuss each work thoroughly, analyzing it in response to the prompt
  • This is a short paper so narrow your focus – do not pick three works created thousands of years apart; your essay will be more effective if you focus on a single era, regime, or theme
  • Careful planning is key! Do not wait until the night before – give yourself ample time to outline, write, revise, and proofread

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