Competition, Your Inner Kiddo, Power Posing & How to Calm Things Down
You must complete all 4 of the activities below (Game Face Competition, Kris Carr Your Inner Kiddo -Vlog # 5 video viewing/reaction, Dr. Amy Cuddy Power Posing video viewing/experience & reaction, and Joe Navarro video viewing & reaction) in order to receive credit
1. Managing Stress requires emotional composure; particularly the
ability to regulate your emotions when you are under pressure. Talented athletes, as well as strong leaders, are able to manage their emotions, during competition for the athlete, and in times of crisis for good leaders. I want you to practice putting on your game face when you are under stress this week; particularly for those of you who tend to overreact to things. Maintain your composure, think clearly and do not let your emotions get the best of you. Finally have a friend take a photo of you showing your best game face (head shot only as we want to really see your game face). Post your game face photos in the DBF. The winning game face will have 3 points added to his/her exam three points earned. Remember a good game face simply means we cannot read you; it is NOT about looking angry or mean. Think poker face/neutral. If you would prefer not to submit a game face photo, as an alternative, you may write about your experience with putting on a game face in a situation where you were under pressure and needed to maintain composure. If you do submit a game face photo, you do not need to share an experience where you put on a game face.
***No need face photo just write a short paragraph
2. · View and discuss Kris Carr’s Health and Wellness Vlog # 5.
video from youtube ( and type in the search engine : Kris Carr’s Health and Wellness Vlog #5: Your Inner Kiddo. The vlog runs 4:23
*** A short reaction paragraph
3. View and Discuss the Following Game Changers Clip by Dr. Amy Cuddy (run time 5:59 minutes)
access and type in the search engine: Game Changers – Game Changer: Amy Cuddy, Power Poser. The video was posted by Time and runs 5:59 minutes. After viewing the video try the expansive postures utilized in Dr. Cuddy’s research (see photo below of power poses from research). Discuss your experience with power posing. Keep in mind Dr. Cuddy is not recommending power posing in inappropriate settings (i.e. actually in a job interview). However, it may be useful to put on your game face and try power posing prior to stressful encounters!
*** Short paragraph ( Discuss your experience with power posing)
4. View the following clip featuring retired FBI agent, Joe Navarro. If the clip fails to open type in the youtube search engine: How to Calm Things Down – Joe Navarro (run time 1:17).
Share in you had an opportunity to try Joe’s technique for calming things down. Write A paragraph
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