A.Read the chapter on Latinos (It’s chapter 9 in the 14th edition textbook).
Choose two (2) of the following topics to write about. Discuss your answer thoroughly and in detail. Give examples whenever possible. Minimum of 3 paragraphs for each topic or minimum of 100 words. You can answer more than two, but only two(2) out of four(4) are required.
1. Summarize the role of religion for Latinos. Discuss the major patterns that religion serves for the Hispanic community.
2. Describe and discuss the characteristics of Latinos and their current economic siituation and their present role in politics. Summarize the economic status of Latinos as a group. Also identify the factors that contribute to or limit the political power of Latinos as a group in the USA.
3. Discuss the patterns of education and learning the English language. Discuss the aspirations and the accomplishments of Latinos in education.
4. Discuss the diversity among Central and South Americans, including an examination and understanding of the Cuban American culture.(Describe how the Cuban migration has been positive and what challenges remain. Discuss the different factors that unite and divide he Latino commuity in the United States.
B.Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans (this is chapter 10 in the 14th edition of textbook.).
1. Read the chapter on Mexican Americans.
2. Give the contextual definitions of the (16) key terms at the end of the chapter.
3. Answer the 3 review questions at the end of the chapter. (Be sure that your answers are complete and detailed. Give personal examples whenever possible).
4. Choose one(1) of the four(4) Critical Thinking questions. (Discuss and offer your opinions using complete sentences and a minimum of two(2) paragraph for your answer.
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