prepare a 3 – 4 page double-spaced paper that describes the marketing communication plan for your product or service. After discussing the characteristics of your target market, identify and rank three (3) promotion strategies, discuss specific uses of social media, and provide a competitive analysis. Support your analysis with three (3) academic sources, which may include your textbook, and/or credible business journals such as Barrons, The Wall Street Journal and/or Business Week. Your analysis should include: • Briefly describe your target market identifying unique characteristics and/or preferences of that market supporting your analysis with credible data • Compare and contrast three promotion strategies assessing the probable effectiveness of each. Rank order promotion strategies supporting your analysis with credible data. • Describe how you would incorporate social media to promote your product or service; be specific in identifying which social media you would use and why. Support your analysis with credible data. • Discuss how your marketing communication plan will differentiate your product or service from current and/or anticipated competition. Support your
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