Prepare and submit a 10 – 12 page comprehensive and integrated marketing strategy for your product or service, the plan should briefly describe the product or service, and present an integrated and viable strategy addressing target market, distribution channels, pricing, and promotion. In addition, provide a competitive analysis that describes how the product or service can be differentiated from current and/or anticipated competitors, and how technology including e-business and social media supports the marketing strategy. Support your analysis with six (6) or more academic sources, which may include your textbook, and/or credible business journals such as Barrons, The Wall Street Journal and/or Business Week. Your analysis should include:
- Briefly describe your product or service detailing the need it will meet in the marketplace; and where it fits in the product life cycle.
- Present a marketing strategy that integrates target market, channels of distribution, pricing and promotion into a viable plan for your first 12 months
- Discuss how you will differentiate your product or service from current or anticipated competitors in terms of product features focused on the target market, channels of distribution, pricing and promotion
- Discuss how technology including e-business and social media can enhance your marketing strategy
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