debates the events of Indian Removal. They are all pretty clear that President Jackson signed legislation requiring the forced relocation of all Native Americans east of the Mississippi to reservations of the Government’s choosing. What we are concerned with today is why? The debate here is over President Andrew Jackson’s motives for Indian Removal. Did he want to remove the Indians for his own selfish gain (to sell or otherwise profit from their land) or was it to preserve the Native American Culture.
Read the primary source document and the two articles about Indians Removal (Hint: Both the Robert Remini and Anthony Wallace articles in the same attached file. For the primary source, simply copy and paste the web address into your browser.)
Discussion #3: Indian Removal
Primary Documents: John Burnett-“The Trail of Tears” available on-line at: http:/
Robert V. Remini, “Brothers, Listen . . . You Must Submit” Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History, Eighth Edition, Volume One. (Guilford, CT: Dushkin-McGraw Hill, 2000), 162-171.
Anthony F.C. Wallace, “The Long, Bitter Trail: Andrew Jackson and the Indians.” Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History, Eighth Edition, Volume One. (Guilford, CT: Dushkin-McGraw Hill, 2000), 172-179.
Then write a 2 page essay in which you use evidence from the readings to answer at least three of the following questions:
1. What was Jackson’s attitude toward Indian Removal?
2. Did Jackson stand to gain economically by removing the Indians?
3. What about the Native Culture that was in danger?
4. What role did the Supreme Court play in Indian Removal? Did Jackson listen to them?
In your essay you should take a position on this issue and cite evidence from the assigned readings to support that position. Your paper must be double-spaced in 12 point type with 1 inch margins.
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