Boggs, J. M. & Petric, D. W. (2008). The art of watching films. (7th ed). New York: McGraw- Hill. ISBN: 0073535079. Irving, J. (2000). My movie business. New York: Random House. ISBN: 0345441303.
To assess your ability to:
identify genre conventions
compare and contrast genre
identify director’s style
analyze director’s style
Genre refers to a film’s story that has the same basic pattern and includes the same basic elements such as settings, characters, plot, images, cinematic techniques, etc. Genre may also refer to a formula film with a common style (Boggs & Petrie, 2008). This assignment requires you to demonstrate your understanding of value, strengths, and basic conventions of genre films, as well as how the theme has been developed in the genre film you choose.
Action Items……
1- two films in the same genre from the same director.
( director: Clint Eastwood )
a- Blood Work ( 2002 )
b- Gran Torino ( 2008 )
2- Compare and contrast the two films’ styles, genre elements, any other elements appropriate to film analysis, and/or required by your professor. Read carefully the chapters 11, 12, & 14 in your textbook.
Write a 3- page paper including:
a- your name
b- date
c- title of the film(s) (underline it)
d- year of the film when it was produced
e- director(s)
f- genre convention
g- writer
h- two or three major stars in the film and their characters’ names
f- themes
i- how the themes were developed and presented in the film. Provide scene examples
j- what elements of the genre were present (If using two directors, compare and contrast their participation in the
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