Are the words used literally or figuratively?

Exegetical Assignment #3 — Observation Part 3 — Question and Answer Prompts This assignment is worth 50 points. Now that you have identified the literary elements and outlined your periscope , it is important to ask any and all research questions you think are pertinent and begin to formulate some preliminary answers. Below is a list of questions that should be researched with book or article sources (no online sources and NO COMMENTARIES!). In addition to this list, 10 more questions should be composed in preparation for the exegetical paper. After listing the question, generate answers with footnote citations for each question. Answer the following questions about your passage: 1. Context— —How does this periscope  relate to the material before it regarding setting (time/place)? —How does this periscope  relate to the material before it regarding theme (key words/themes)? —How does this periscope  relate to the material after it regarding setting (time/place)? —How does this periscope  relate to the material before it regarding theme (key words/themes)? —How does the location of this chapter within the six chapters around it affect the interpretation and meaning? (As a general rule, read at least 3 chapters before and after your assigned periscope ) 2. Characters— —What commonalities do the characters have? —What differences do the characters have? —How would you group the characters? —Who develops or changes in the passage? —Who stays static or refuses change? Why? 3. Setting— Page 10 of 29 —Where (in what geographic location) is the narrative or event set? —Where would this location be today? —What was the topography of the place (elevation, climate, resources, etc.) —Who lived in this place? —What archaeological data helps with understanding what this place was like? —Is the narrative a travel narrative? If so, where are they travel ling  FROM? Where are they travel ling  TO? — Is the setting significant for meaning? If so, why? 4. Time— —What time designations are present? (If no time is mentioned, look in the periscope  that precede and follow.) —What time of day? Month? Season? Year? —What would be the numerical significance of the time markers? —Is there any reference to past events (retrospect)? —Is there any foreshadowing of future events (anticipation)? 5. Key (and/or repeated) phrases/words— —In a concordance or lexicon, look up the key words you found. What other passages in the Torah have the key words? —Based on the other passages, what are the words meanings in the ancient socio- linguistic system? —Are the words used literally or figuratively? Are you sure? 6. Historical Background— —In a Bible Dictionary or Encyclopedia, look up any historical elements that you noted. Historical elements are People, Titles, Group Names, Nations, Events, etc. Basically anything capitalized, except for places, should be included here along with events. —What should a reader know about each Historical element in order to understand the passage better? 7. Socio-cultural Elements— —Are there any references eating or drinking in the text? What actions or items are present that should be understood within the culture of the people at that time? Look up these in a Bible Dictionary, Bible Encyclopedia, or Scholarly Journal. —Are there any social institutions, jobs, or roles mentioned (e.g., leadership, patron/client,elder,etc.)? LookuptheseinaBibleDictionary,BibleEncyclopedia, or Scholarly Journal. —What honor or shame is expected for these people? How are the characters being honored or shamed, and is this appropriate for the culture at the time? —Who is in the “in” group and who is in the “out” group? Why? What makes them “in” or “out”? —How is kinship, ethnicity, and/or gender being constructed? Who has power? Who does not? Who should? HINT: a repeated word or phrase almost always means that the meaning in one context within the periscope  is the same as the meaning in the other context within the periscope . Page 11 of 29 7. Sociology-cultural Elements— —10 additional questions that you generate based on your own passage The goal here is to bombard the text with any and all questions that are important for research and then to look for the answers in the appropriate location. Everything depends on how intently you read. In short, the better your questions, the better your research, and by extension, the better will be your final exegetical paper. Formatting Requirements for Question and Answer Prompts Page length —2-6 pages maximum Font: Times New Roman size 12 Include heading with Name, Date, Class Name Single spaced M

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