Discussed in class, but may also be a topic we will not discuss in class.

SOURCES: A lot of information does not include in text citation. (i.e. using “some guys said that “it is not accepted” who is some guy?). For any additional sources, please use academic reference articles (not wikipedia or internet blogs or news sites). In text citation is important for any information listed inside the essay.
FORMAT: Structure of the essay is bad, professor’s comment: there are great amount of information. However, the information are all over the place, and I can’t tell whats the main point of what this essay is trying to point out. ( Focus on one problem: i.e., The reason behind academic failure of African American students)

GRAMMAR: I requested an ENL writer. However, there were unbelievable amount of grammar errors throughout the paper.
INSTRUCTIONS NOT FOLLOWED: No main point + citation for specific information

HARD COPY OF PAPER IS DUE IN CLASS: Nov 4, 10:30a GUIDELINES FOR MIDTERM: LITERATURE REVIEW Purpose & overview: This paper helps you identify, understand and apply a topic in psychology that specifically relates to the African American. It will increase your awareness of how topics in psychology influence the African American culture and will develop your research skills. Paper Length: 5-6 pages (double spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, regular margins), APA style references Choose a topic to write about: Choose a topic of interest to you. The topic must clearly apply to the African American and clearly to psychology. Topic can be one discussed in class, but may also be a topic we will not discuss in class. Here are some broad SAMPLE topics to inspire your own choice: sex trafficking, LGBT, religion, gangs, prisons, parenting, psychological disorders, obesity, school suspensions, intelligence, etc. Your choice must be clear and specific. TOPIC CHOICE WILL BE DUE OCT 19 Source requirements: In researching this paper, you will need 5 sources. All sources must be academic reference articles (not wikipedia or internet blogs or news sites) Do your research and write! • Introduce your topic – explain topic and why it is important to understand • Explanation of how your topic will be applied to the African American – discuss how this topic is important to understand as it relates to African Americans • Review Paper Outline – Will you present two opposing arguments on a topic? Will you present various theories used to understand a topic? Will you review varying factors thought to be involved in or important to the understanding of your topic? • Description research and compare/contrast studies – describe each study and compare/contrast it with the other studies you have chosen. • Discussion and conclusion: evaluate findings and discuss what you think can be gleaned from the studies you read. Propose 2 or 3 ideas of what should be included in future research on this topic • *Follow these guidelines to write a literature review (Links to an external site.)* Writing Style: APA style SAMPLE APA Style Paper: http://faculty.mwsu.edu/psychology/Laura.Spiller/Experimental/sample_apa_style_litreview.pdf (Links to an external site.) ******Deadlines Before Final Paper Due Date ******

Topic to be addressed: Monday Oct 19, in class
 Choose a topic of interest to you. The topic must clearly apply to the African American and clearly to psychology. Topic can be one discussed in class, but may also be a topic we will not discuss in class. Here are some broad SAMPLE topics to inspire your own choice: gifted students, teenage pregnancy, juvenile delinquency, mixed race, intimate partner violence, stress, racial identity, gender identity, etc. Your choice must be clear and specific. SUBMIT TOPIC AND SHORT EXPLANATION 10 total points possible / Late topic submissions will lose points *****Academic Sources List: Wednesday Oct 26, in class For your literature review, you must choose a topic and have it approved before starting your paper Please provide a list of the 5 articles you will use for your literature review. Check PCC’s Guide to finding academic articles for help! All citation must include: author year published title of article/book chapter name of academic journal/book book publisher (if a book) Please do NOT include the link to the article alone. Please do NOT include news websites, wikipedia, blogs or other internet “source.” *Final will be done with the same writer with a expansion on the same topic
OTHER: Fixing: Grammar mistakes , fix/change sources and intext citation, ****reform essay structure a long side with a main point that the essay is trying to bring out. This essay includes crime, social hierarchy, and education. I would recommend the new writer to focus on the education problem of African American and what causes it.
Main topic:
Choose a topic of interest to you. The topic must clearly apply to the African American and clearly to psychology. Topic can be one discussed in class, but may also be a topic we will not discuss in class. Here are some broad SAMPLE topics to inspire your own choice: sex trafficking, LGBT, religion, gangs, prisons, parenting, psychological disorders, obesity, school suspensions, intelligence, etc.
Your choice must be clear and specific.

Criteria + rubric of essay:
Depth of letter
Explanation of problem and how letter recipient contributes to problem
Research support for problem
Solutions to problem
Language & Writing Style (includes sources & APA citations)

Note: teacher is african american, please write the essay respectfully

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